One evening, while on the Turkey Foot Lake in Akron, Ohio, was a small family on their boat and the scene resonated with me. Musing on the subject of family relationship and childhood memories, I went back to the time my own father rented a rowboat and took my brother and I fishing. The result of this inspiration is Preparing for the Feast, a wonderfully backlit image of a father and son fishing with their faithful golden retriever.
I enjoy painting things people can relate to, perhaps because I can connect to them myself. They’re a familiar part of everyday life we can understand and enjoy. Some of my paintings tell stories, some focus on man’s best friend and then there are those that capture the emotions of life. One of the jobs of an artist is to share with the world the moments which can only be described through their medium. Preparing for the Feast is one of those paintings. - JW

John Weiss - Preparing for the Feast
Product Code: WEIPR3
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