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Since 1974, we meet or beat the prices of authorized dealers. If you find a work of fine art for less from an authorized dealer within 30 days of your purchase from us, we'll match that price and give you $50 off your next fine art purchase from Gallery One. We guarantee it! All this plus the best service, quality and state-of-the-art shipping in the world of fine art! Most items ship free!
Victor Mays - Block Island Boat Beaching
limited edition print on paper
10.25 x 17.5
Victor Mays - Collier Brig and Barge
limited edition print on paper
5.75 x 10
Victor Mays - Lumber Docks Bangor Maine
limited edition print on paper
11.25 x 19.5
LEWIS VICTOR MAYS (1927-2015) was the son of Indiana parents transplanted to Manhattan. Raised in Bronxville NY during the 1930's, he vividly recalls square-rigged, rust-streaked grain shops sailing up Long Island Sound, weathered schooners still working the coast and the thrill of driving past rows of magnificent Atlantic liners at their Hudson River piers. His interest in both the sea and drawing began at an early age. Mays enlisted in the Navy in the latter days of World War II and was commissioned upon graduation from Yale following the war. While at Yale he took several art electives and after college wrote and illustrated Fast Iron, a sea novel for older children which won the Boys Club of America Gold Medal. Mays continued a career as a writer and freelance illustrator of magazines and books with a parallel career as a naval Intelligence officer on both active and reserve service. In 1978, Mays retired from the naval reserve as a Captain, and at the same time gave up book illustration, devoting full time to historically-oriented marine watercolors "” the subject and medium he most enjoys. He concentrates on the everyday working vessels of the 19th and early 20th centuries, favoring stone sloops, oyster carriers and coal schooners over the more elegant clippers.
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