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Since 1974, we meet or beat the prices of authorized dealers. If you find a work of fine art for less from an authorized dealer within 30 days of your purchase from us, we'll match that price and give you $50 off your next fine art purchase from Gallery One. We guarantee it! All this plus the best service, quality and state-of-the-art shipping in the world of fine art! Most items ship free!
Rolf Rafflewski - Giverny-Garden of Claude Monet*
Original oil on canvas
23 x 28 (27.25 X 32.25 framed)
ROLF RAFFLEWSKI (1943- ) Born in Hanauam Main, Germany, Rolf Rafflewski started to paint at the age of 12. His first solo show was held only four years later. Once he completed his art studies at the Staatliche Zeichenakademie in 1961, Rafflewski visited Paris and after falling in love with the city, moved there to make it his new home. The stunning boulevards, lively quais and winding streets of Montmartre, gave him the inspiration and the subject matter for many of his paintings and lithographs. Over the past decades, Rafflewski has exhibited actively in galleries and museums all over the globe including San Francisco, Washington, Tokyo, Hawaii, Paris and New York including a show at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris where he was honored with a one-person exhibit.
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