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Since 1974, we meet or beat the prices of authorized dealers. If you find a work of fine art for less from an authorized dealer within 30 days of your purchase from us, we'll match that price and give you $50 off your next fine art purchase from Gallery One. We guarantee it! All this plus the best service, quality and state-of-the-art shipping in the world of fine art! Most items ship free!
Kim Wiggins - Song of the Valle Vidal
limited edition giclée on canvas
22 x 27
Kim Wiggins - Spring Shower
limited edition giclée on canvas
8 x 10
Kim Wiggins - White Dove of the Desert
limited edition giclée on canvas
21 x 28
KIM WIGGINS (1960- ) The bold, brilliant and heavily impastoed paintings of Kim Douglas Wiggins have been eagerly acquired by private collectors, corporations and museums for three decades. Yet his oeuvre continues to unfold like a time-lapse film of flowers, undulating with the same energy that he packs into each composition. From deep roots in his native New Mexico through the influence of three years in Europe and the inspiration of Expressionism, American Regionalism and Hispanic Folk Art, Wiggins has distilled the very nectar of his environment in canvases that capture the warmth and texture of subjects that are a part of his soul. Although primarily self-taught, he was encouraged to pursue his unique style through guidance and critique from regional masters. His only formal instruction came through a master's class at the Santa Fe Art Institute with his neighbor Henriette Wyeth. Wiggins often cites the influences of Wyeth's husband, Peter Hurd when discussing sources of influence on his work.
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