Since 1974, we meet or beat the prices of authorized dealers. If you find a work of fine art for less from an authorized dealer within 30 days of your purchase from us, we'll match that price and give you $50 off your next fine art purchase from Gallery One. We guarantee it! All this plus the best service, quality and state-of-the-art shipping in the world of fine art! Most items ship free!
Since 1974, we meet or beat the prices of authorized dealers. If you find a work of fine art for less from an authorized dealer within 30 days of your purchase from us, we'll match that price and give you $50 off your next fine art purchase from Gallery One. We guarantee it! All this plus the best service, quality and state-of-the-art shipping in the world of fine art! Most items ship free!
JOCELYN RUSSELL Jocelyn Lillpop Russell is recognized for both paintings and sculptures. Born and raised in Colorado, she now lives in Washington. She was featured in the Artists of the Millennium section of Wildlife Art and was featured artist for the NatureWorks Wildlife Art Show 2002, returning as their Encore Artist for 2003. Her honors include awards from the Arts for the Parks, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Wildlife Art Magazine, Colorado Ducks Unlimited, Kansas Ducks Unlimited and Ducks Unlimited National and Regional Flyway Artist.
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