The Promise depicts an event described by the disciples Matthew (Chapter 9) and Mark (Chapter 5). Jesus was approached by Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, who told Jesus that his daughter was dying and pleaded with Him to put His hands on her that she might be healed. But before they reached his house, they received word that the girl had died. Jesus told her father not to be afraid, but to believe.
When they reached the house, there was much commotion and despair. Jesus told the people that the girl was not dead but asleep, and they laughed at Him. He made them all leave except for the child's parents and His disciples Peter, James and John. Then Jesus took the girl's hand and commanded her to get up. The 12-year-old girl got up and walked around. Everyone was astonished, but Jesus told them to give her something to eat and not to tell anyone.
I chose to depict that moment when the little girl had been given her life back by Jesus. I imagined the closeness she must have felt for Him. This painting illustrates a real event in time, and it is also symbolic of the life Jesus offers everyone. As a Christian, it is easy to understand the gratefulness this girl is expressing because we have all been given life. I am reminded of Jesus' offer to all in John, Chapter 11: 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?
God promises life to all who will receive Him. I hope this painting encourages everyone who sees it to remember Jesus' promise of life. We should be like this little girl, holding on to our Savior tightly and loving Him for what He has done for us. - MW

Morgan Weistling - Promise
Product Code: WEIPR1
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