Move to a ghost town once known as Wildhorse, and frankly, you never know who, or what, is going to show up.
While meditating in front of a 5’ x 6’ window, waiting for the sun to rise, I opened my eyes to find this locally renowned buck calmly starring back through his window at me. His face would have been no more than 10” to 12” from mine. I was more startled than he was. The locals say he was staring at his own reflection, but I am quite certain he was contemplating me.
The buck, because of his two sets of horns, is notorious in the area. You might even say he is a ‘marked man’ as I’ve heard people more than once express their desire to see his head on their wall. I painted little circles on him like bulls-eyes because of that, but they are also Chakra points. Both are targets in their own way. I named him (and the piece) for my Zen instructor, Edward Espe Brown. - BS

John Simpkins - Deer Edward
Product Code: SIMDE1
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