An unusual Christmas Eve snowstorm has descended upon North Carolina bringing holiday travel to a near standstill. Highways and airports are closed, forcing travelers to find shelter as the roads are cleared. For the fortunate family who has checked into the Fuquay Mineral Spring Inn and Garden, it will prove to be a most wonderful Christmas experience. The Inn’s gracious owners, John and Patty Byrne, knowing their guests disappointment at not spending Christmas Eve with loved ones, have sent for a Christmas tree with all the trimmings to be delivered to their room. A young boy with his faithful friend has volunteered to provide the delivery service in his wagon. After an elegant Christmas Eve dinner and some eggnog and spiced cider with cookies by the fire, our stranded travelers will return to a room decorated with the cheerful glow of a very special Christmas Eve tree. – WP
Other images in the “Inns of Christmas” series by Phillips are Christmas Eve at the Winchester Inn, Christmas Eve at the Ahwahnee and Winter Visitors at Kringle Hill Inn.

William S. Phillips - Christmas Eve Delivery
Product Code: PHICH6
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