Flaps down, aluminum gleaming, this polished T-28A Trojan reflects the sun, the sky and even itself. The promise and glory of flight seethes from every rivet on this aircraft’s metal skin. From 1950s to the mid-80s many an Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps aviator flew this high performance trainer on the way to bigger and faster aircraft.
Yes, it's a trainer, but it's hardly a quiet, retiring schoolmarm. The Trojan, with a Wright R-1300 engine, had a top speed that often exceeded 280 mph. In 1962, North Americans began building Trojans for a combat, counter-insurgency mission. Six under wing hard-points were added in order for the aircraft to accept a variety of weapons. This version of the T-28 saw action in both Southeast Asia and North Africa. - WSP

William S. Phillips - Air Force Reflections
Product Code: PHIAI1
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