It's one of those cases where what you expect to happen doesn't. The big cat would normally win, but everybody wants to see the little guy get away. In this case I made sure the heavy didn't win.
I painted this to have a cozy feeling about it. Even though the cougar has been chasing this little rabbit for awhile. I like to think that the cat has just been stumped, and he's thinking, Where did he go? and the rabbit's thinking, I can't believe I pulled one over on this guy!
The thick, freshly fallen snow that allows this cougar's quarry to escape its pursuer's view also symbolizes a security blanket for the artist. There's something so secure about deep, cleen, untouched snow. In spring and summer, there's a sense of release and freedom, but in winter you're covered and protected. There's always something about winter that makes me feel safe.- BM

Bonnie Marris - Security Blanket
Product Code: MARSE2
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