It's only a pine cone's throw from my studio door down to Honey Creek where I used to live. During the time we lived there, I saw many of the whitetails, as well as red and gray foxes, skunks, rabbits, raccoons and the hundreds of species of birds who make there homes nearby.
One day, I walked down to the creek at dawn to catch the first glow of sun. We'd had an ice storm the night before and the trees were bent over, encased in a tranparent, sparkling glaze of ice. For a time, I didn't notice the three does standing as still as the ice itself. Maybe an ear twitched or a tail flagged to catch my eye, but there they stood in their winter gray, unconcerned with the perils of the ice storm.
Originally, I painted the scene as I found it, but I wasn't quite satisfied with the composition. When I added the large buck I've been lucky enough to see a few times, the painting grew in depth as well as composition. The pattern of the buck's antlers is repeated in the frozen weeds, and his presence, because he is an exclusive but vital part of Honey Creek, adds a dynamic, emotive quality that would not be there without him. - BM

Bonnie Marris - Honey Creek Whitetails
Product Code: MARHO1
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