Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. – Luke 2:19
In this painting, I wanted to portray Mary in a way that I believe many mothers can relate to. She has found a brief quiet moment to contemplate. There is a little concern in her eyes, knowing that there will be pain and hardship in the life of her child, but hope as well, for she knows that God loves her and has a plan for her and her child.
She smiles as she reflects on the joy she feels when thinking of her son, turning to the future, confident and anxious, but faithful. Motherhood brings many emotions. Fear, joy, pain, and hope, concern and nearly inexpressible love can all be part of motherhood. No doubt Mary felt inadequate, but steadfast and faithful. She was humbled, though honored to have been chosen to have been part of Christ’s life.
Mary must have often thought of the heavenly messenger that brought her such momentous news, the miracle of his birth, the sign in the heavens, the wise men, the shepherds and angels that bore witness. As Christ grew, she surely marveled at His wisdom and obedience, knowing that he was the Son of God. - HL

Howard Lyon - Mary Kept All These Things and Pondered Them in Her Heart
Product Code: LYOMA1
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