Stephen Lyman - Elegant Couple - Wood Ducks

Wood ducks are distinct from all other waterfowl in that their webbed feet are clawed, allowing them to perch in trees or, like this couple, on fallen logs and snags. This trait, along with their habit of nesting in the hollows of trees, has given them their name.

One of the smallest species of American waterfowl, wood ducks are also one of the most colorful. The drakes's impressive crest and multi-colored plummage make him a very showy bird who almost eclipses his more modestly-colored mate. A closer look, however, shows that the little female is a rich tapestry of soft browns touched with sky blue and white. Together, they are truly an elegant couple. - SL


Stephen Lyman - Elegant Couple - Wood Ducks

Release Year: 1987
Size: 12 x 15
Form: limited edition print on paper
Edition Size: 1000 numbered and hand signed by the artist
Artist Proofs: call or email to check on availability.
Custom Framing: available upon request

Product Code: LYMEL1
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