Just because the door to hayloft needed to be replaced didn’t mean it needed to be thrown out, it simply needed to find another purpose. The beauty of Folk Art is that it communicates a cultural identity by conveying shared community values and aesthetics. It is not influenced by trends in the art community, but quite simply a desire to express a pure emotion or experience.
The Spirit of ’76 is our way of saying we still embrace the core principles on which this great nation was founded and that the true American spirit is unshakeable. This remarkable canvas edition has to be touched to realize that it is not the 30 to 60 pounds of real heartland barn door. The image continues around all four edges of the canvas to complete its authentic feel. Finally, each giclée comes with a set of pull rings to complete the presentation.

Dave Grant - Spirit of '76 Flag, The
Product Code: GRASPD
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