The Parable of the Blind is one of the best-known sections from Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount. It reads: "Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?" Jesus used the metaphor of the blind men to suggest to his followers that they examine their own hearts and souls before calling attention to the flaws of others. James Christensen has taken the parable in a new, more light-hearted direction in The Blind Leading the Blind.
Christensen sees his blind men as archetypal figures, embodying the different ways people deal with difficult situations. All four men are lost, but their expressions reveal their attitudes: one man is unhappy, one is content with his lot, one man is confused and one has tumbled into the pit entirely. The Blind Leading the Blind is a whimsical reminder to remain humble—and to give others the benefit of the doubt.

James C. Christensen - Blind Leading the Blind, The
Product Code: CHRBL2
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