My idol was Duane Hanson. He was a Florida sculptor who produced sculptures of people so life-like that they fooled the eye. When his security guard sculpture was on display at Van de Weghe Gallery in New York, thousands, myself included, went up to him and asked him where the rest rooms were. It was truly uncanny. I love when people see my paintings at Foxx Galerie in Zurich and say to one another, “Nice photo”. Then Claudine Bandi, the owner, corrects them and tells them it is an oil painting. Their look of incredulity is such a pleasure to watch. Many people stare at the paintings for a long time. I also enjoy evoking the feelings of nostalgia amongst the viewers. Recently at Zimmermann + Heitmann Gallery in Dusseldorf, I overheard a family looking at my Monopoly painting. One said, “I was always the dog”; another said, “I was the iron”. At Atlas Galleries in Chicago, I heard a patron exclaim, “Wow! Look at the Kid Cowboy. I had exactly that book when I was a little boy. And the edges of the book were frayed just like it is in the painting - DB
These are not photos. They are limited edition reproductions on canvas of original oil paintings by Doug Bloodworth.

Doug Bloodworth - Dick Tracy
Product Code: BLODI5
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