If there is no opposition, nothing to push against, we would merely float. If that was the case, how would we grow?, begins Cassandra. How can we know joy if we never know pain? We all have our issues to contend with and it is through that conflict that personal growth is found. Reward comes from engaging in challenges, finding solutions and learning endurance.
At the same time, is it necessary that this process of resolving has to be a fight? By changing our perspective, could we see those challenges another way? What if instead of fighting through life, we dance?
And Then They Danced is a painting about finding beauty in the battle. The figure chooses this dance, aware and onstage, sharing her conquest and what she is to gain.
Bullfighting is traditional, dangerous and potentially beautiful but cruel. If I were a matador, I would rather dance. I would turn that fight into something beautiful. - CCB

Cassandra Barney - And Then They Danced
Product Code: BARAN8
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