These four images are about progression – about moving into something different and evolving. Life is full of these moments of change, and the figures are striving for something. The quartet is about committing to an action rather than expecting an answer.
Like the beautiful blossoms surrounding the figures, each image is different. In fact, the four pieces had originally been intended for separate sale, but when hung together, they worked together perfectly. I realized that I was exploring some very similar themes – themes that I think a lot of women – and a lot of men, for that matter – can relate to: sacrifice, growth and striving to be the best possible person you can be. Rather than the traditional blessings of poetry, dance or music, these extraordinary, elegant muses inspire us to grow, to change and to never give up. – CCB
The set of four are each 28 in. high. Collect them separately, or ask about special pricing for the four piece collection that includes All That I Have to Give is Yours, Violetta, Minerva and Theodosia.

Cassandra Barney - All That I Have to Give is Yours
Product Code: BARAL3
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